St Michaels

St Michaels can be a useful place to change buses for extra journeys between St Andrews and Cupar to save you waiting for the next service.

Moffat & Williamson services 92A/B/C/D (St Andrews, Tayport & Balmullo) pass through St Michaels.

With very frequent services to Dundee, Leuchars and St Andrews on the 99 - at up to 8 buses an hour - it can be a handy interchange point.

As a general rule when changing buses at St Michaels you will have to walk to a different stop to catch your next bus - walk to the junction by St Michaels Inn then walk along the road towards your destination, crossing to the left hand side of the road when convenient.

As this walk can be almost 300 metres (if you are going to St Andrews) you may wish to avoid this change if you have trouble walking this distance or don't fancy crossing the busy road - simpler changes may be available crossing the road in Leuchars or at the new houses at Pickletillum Inn - check Traveline Scotland for alternative routes. (Traveline have a new local rate number - 0141 465 1878.)