Express Buses in Cupar stop on the main road outside Cupar Railway Station - local buses tend to stop in Crossgate - except for the 3rd Saturday of the month when Crossgate is closed for a Farmers Market - see the map for an idea of what happens to each route then... (the road is closed from 16:30 on the Friday to 15:00 on the Saturday).
See the map below for details of what happens when Crossgate is closed...
There are now three express buses an hour between Cupar and St Andrews - the X24, X59 and 65.
The 46 between Kirkcaldy and Dundee via Leven also passes through Cupar.
A local town bus service the 68 run by Moffat & Williamson connects Cupar with its Adamson Hospital.
It can be useful to use the Traveline Scotland journey planner to find the bus for your journey - but beware that the Journey Planners do not know about the Farmers Market diversions!
There is a Live Departure Board for the Stances in Crossgate at:
But Beware that when Crossgate is closed to traffic this Board is meaningless and any times refer to the times at whatever nearby bus stops the services do manage to stop at...